Thursday, October 30, 2014

#31: Right Use Of Energy: Part 1

Reasons or
Fitness Nutrition Training

Sovereign Michael Valentine
SPN, CFT, Eft, Yft, Cft, SSc, GFI, CMCht, CERT, Reiki Master


Special Report #31

Part of the
“I see you to succeeding"

Right Use of Energy

Part I

Want to get more of what you want from YOUR life with less effort? 

This particular blurb has taken me over 40 years to put into words. I think it will be quite enlightening for those who have had the experience that what they want and wish for seems to be "just out of reach"...and always has

Now, have patience here, because some of the words to describe this come from different belief systems (Buddhism, Christianity, and other esoteric talk and even healing models). Not because I'm trying to recruit you into my local church, but because I don't have any other words yet to describe subtle but powerful phenomena we all experience.

In other words, from my earliest memories, (for a number of reasons you'll learn later) I could and would see phenomena and behaviorism and traits in myself and those around me, but when I would try to explain to those around me what I was seeing and hearing I'd get a, "Huh?"

Yet the people who said, "Huh?" would be experiencing those very phenomena and at a loss of how to circumvent their seeming sentence of poverty and unhappiness. 

But here's the thing, especially over the last couple decades of working directly with people who want to improve themselves...their health...their situation, etc. 

This is it in a "nutshell". (And again, I don't know everything.) I think as humble teachers we're often only one step ahead of our best students...and if we get out of the way, our students surpass us! But through teaching we learn more than we did in the beginning of teaching the topic, right? Teachers teach in order to learn. And the process continues. So if this helps, great. 

For lack of better terms, we have a certain amount of energy to use to get what we want from life, -a certain amount of energy for each day's goals and aspirations. 

  Ultimately there's no limit to what we can have, but we tend to unconsciously limit ourselves (for and because many reasons beyond Part I here). 

In my experience of observing so far, I have noticed a pattern that much of the habits we utilize to get what we want we're learned before we knew we were learning! (Ages approximately birth-7).

Now, to get to the punch-line quick, that means people who were raised and nurtured in a can-do, positive, success oriented, "you-can-do-it" culture find getting what they want easier since they experienced first-hand a model for it from the beginning of life...a culture of being at peace with "having & being". They were given love and energy without strings attached. They learn to receive energy from nature..not from attempting to derive it from others around them nor tricking others into giving it to them. 

We've all experienced the seemingly harmless people who seem to engage us in random chatter or topic yet leave us feeling tired and depleted... you know the ones. 

On the other hand, some people were raised in a familiar, conditional-love environment...a lineage if you will...where the components and skills of "having and getting" were missing. Maybe even mixed messages...(you can have whatever you want...but not too much). Or, "You can have whatever you want but not more than us."

Ultimately, confusion about our "role" or lack of clarity within our own life enables us to always be reaching yet the achievement seems to always be "in the future" (deficiency of personal energy).

SO, (one of) the common intrapersonal faux pas is when we learned to use our "energy" one way, but in order to get what we want another if the two are separate. 

In other words, there may have been an imbalance or mixed message or even a misunderstanding within the self somewhere along the way  which led to the person feeling as though their energy was to be used for things other than the health and wellness of their own body, mind, spirit,...fulfillment. 

An example of this would be if we weren't given unconditional acceptance or nurturing by our immediate peers or care providers, but were then utilized to take responsibility for how our peers felt ...("their" state of emotional and mental awareness) (co-dependency). In other words, the natural laws are that parents provide care, love and nurturing and by receiving that, we have a model of the healthiness of nurturing offspring. The opposite or unnatural model would be the care providers not taking care of themselves...feeling depleted, defeated and depressed and then relying on their children for emotional energy (as an unnatural emotional "boost").

In other words, the child is using their energy attempting to make the parent feel better. BUT, in reality, it's not natural or healthy nor sustainable for a child to be nurturing their parent that way. The next step in the sequence is that whenever the parent "acts out" by demonstrating a less than optimal emotional state, or behaving disapproving of the child's inherent happiness, the child "gives" some of their energy to their parent in hopes of being loved in return (soothe the giant). A classic under-functioning / over-functioning pattern. In essence, the more the parent withholds love and attention from the child, the more energy the child gives to the parent ...ultimately creating a dynamic where the child gives more and more and the parent takes more and more, but the child ends up more and more depleted unable to manifest what they want and need in life...classic depletion.  The underlying (meta-message) is that it's the child's job to fix the parent... it's their role in the family (codependency)..their "job" if you will to soothe the parent, attending to their emotional needs. 

As time goes on, the child has less and less energy reserve and ends up depleted ...(one of the main underlying strategies in fatigue-based illness including obesity and food-based addiction.) [trying to feel full on the inside without consciousness of the unfair energy dynamic from the beginning of life]. 

This pattern is compounded by parents who withhold love and approval, suppress the child's expression and then substitute emotional presence with junk food rewards or simply too much food. 

Children who are raised in this dynamic unconsciously learn (way before they are conscious of what they have learned), that they should give all their energy away...but this unconscious habit precedes mistakenly thinking that they are supposed to find "other" people to give them energy.

We probably all have experienced being around people who we feel tired from (energy is being pulled without an agreement or healthy, mutual exchange). These scenarios inherently are referred to as energy vampires, energy suckers or time gremlins. 

Part of the reason being that some people never learned that 1) natural energy reserve comes from letting go the past, 2) being present, 3) letting go of stress and emotions rather than holding onto them, 4) receiving energy from nature itself and 5) ultimately that we can't fix people's feelings by pouring our energy into them...they have to do it themselves...

They have to take care of themselves from the inside's a form of emotional and energetic hygiene. 

The body, mind and emotions works best when we:

1) Experience emotions to enhance each experience but we neither own emotions nor hold them to recycle them, nor suppress them (avoid playing victim or martyr role),

2) We receive energy through interaction with nature (being outside in nature some of the time),

3) We exchange positive energy and emotions with those who it's appropriate vs "pulling" energy from them without giving positive energy in return (presupposition that others are here to serve us, or that we are entitled to others' energy from having been used to serve our own loved ones and role models...misuse),

4) Regardless of whether an experience is positive or not, a) get through the experience and release it, b) take the lesson, c) forgive those who hurt us, (resentment and anger prisons deplete the life force of the person remembering the hurt, not the doer of the hurt), d) forgive ourselves for our unwitting participation, (beating up on self depletes energy and blocks new energy from coming in),  e) ask for forgiveness (disengage from energy sapping control habits),

5) Re-attach our goal onto what we consider goals in a bright future (look forward to a bright future) and

6) Demonstrate gratitude for the little blessings we have (attracts more of what we want and need to have healthy energy exchange). 

For those who were raised this way, they naturally avoid energy vampires and participate in relations that are energetically cooperative and mutual.  For those who learn it later in life, they notice feeling better with age as they gain energy naturally, get in relationships with natural energy boundaries and invest their energy in activities and work and hobbies and relations which build their own energy field rather than depleting it and injuring it, leaving it full of holes and vulnerabilities.

In other words, through self knowledge and paying attention, they interrupt the cycle of "taking energy" and expecting to feel good and healthy. 

You see "nature abhors a vacuum". If you let go of pains, forgive those who hurt you, forgive yourself for your participation (even if you were the victim), ask for forgiveness (no one is perfect) and demonstrate gratitude, you'll naturally dispose of negativity and attract healthy energy naturally for which will naturally be delegated to manifest what you want in your life.

Nature tends to fill the deficit left by letting go the past pain with healthy, vibrant health both physical, mental and emotional and even spiritual refreshment.

What this does is get our energy detached from feeding past hurts, (which are dead horses), negativity and negative people and reattaches it to natural, proper, appropriate energetic boundaries where there is a healthy exchange of energy versus the scenario of thinking that in order for others to love us, they have to give us / sacrifice their life force (there's plenty for everyone without taking it from others). 

Dysfunctional energy use creates a lineage of exhausted people who give their energy away faster than they can rejuvenate but they feel depleted, chronically unhappy and depressed and uninspired...always feeling like  they are outside the loop of their own life (often referred to as trolls or hobbits behind their back), yet self-declared as gods or goddesses: since they feel powerless, awkward in their own body, unnatural in social settings, they mistakenly conclude they are "above it all" and end up co-miserating with others who are mistakenly mis-using their energy field, denying it, avoiding the truth of the matter and simultaneously concluding they are a select group of higher learnings, when in reality they have created a social circle of like minded people who also suck energy in unnatural holes...yet engage unwitting participants in conversation designed to steal...yes, energy

Chronic health problems and being fat (body composition greater than 20%) are direct manifestation of giving more than you have (lack of self care) in attempt to get others to give energy to you for no reason. As long as energy is being given out without natural rejuvenation, excess calories will be consumed in attempt to fill the feeling of emptiness, yet lack of motivation and drive to exercise properly will prevail...body composition of 20% or more. 

Nutrition is one way to increase the natural energy reserve without the decades long learning curve. 

For free, no obligation and 100% guaranteed satisfaction of information of what supplements I take, check out one of my websites:

Do it now, do it consistently! 

"I see you succeeding"

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