Reasons or
Fitness Nutrition Training
Sovereign Michael Valentine
SPN, CFT, Eft, Yft, Cft, SSc, GFI, CMCht, CERT, Reiki Master
Special Report #20
Part of the
“I see you to succeeding"
Three Types of Nutrition:
Part of the difficulty and inconsistency of nutrition information being provided by health care providers, trainers and consultants has to do with the philosophy behind each type / model.
The three main types are 1) MEDICINAL, 2) (Theory-Based: "Shoulda', Coulda', Woulda' " & 3) APPLIED nutrition. The type I teach is applied nutrition.
Medicinal nutrition relates to the provider of the information either 1) lacking personal experience with applied nutrition, 2) lacking belief in thoroughness 3) lacking understanding of prevention vs "treatment of symptoms" and / or 4) lack of understanding that the body is literally made up of the basic nutritional building blocks (BNBBs)
... And without a consistent supply, the body breaks down.
A downside of [medicinal] nutrition is that instead of receiving enough nutrition to prevent the de-generative dis-ease process, the person is being guided to "chase" symptoms with individual nutrients (similar to drugs) rather than providing a wide spectrum of nutrients to the body, and letting nature choose which nutrients are needed for particular physiological processes. (The body requires all nutrients everyday).
This medicinal nutrition process rarely works since you can't really "treat" dis-ease with nutrition, but rather provide a high quality source of nutrition and let the body choose what it needs at any given time to reverse the deficiency process. This is why you'll hear exerts in the field say that nutritional supplements are not a treatment for dis-ease.
Much advice from a medicinal perspective comes from studies done with individual or a few nutrients. But, true nutrition is a process based on multiple vitamins and minerals without anyone being able to tell which ones are needed at which times...that's up to nature.
Medicinal nutrition gets into what I call the "black-forest of chasing symptoms" in that if someone has a symptom, for which a drug is prescribed while the underlying nutritional deficiency continues, then another drug is prescribed to cover the side effects of the first prescription and on and on.
Eventually, the process goes so far that so many drugs are in the system it's difficult if not impossible to tell what is normal body chemistry anymore. Not all doctors follow this behavior of over prescribing. I've known people who are on 20-30 prescriptions from the process...meanwhile the underlying mind and body deficiencies are going on.
To complicate the process, there are the 3 types of supplements on the market and health providers usually refer patients to synthetic supplements (made out of petroleum sludge), which don't provide nutritive, re-generative value to the cells. Both practitioners and patients often report feeling not so good with little improvement. Hence, inconsistent satisfaction and reported benefits (as well as little clinical improvement in blood chemistry) due to inconsistent quality of supplements used. (Quality and bioavailability determines results or lack thereof).
The SECOND type of nutrition is what I refer to as the theory-based model or "shoulda', coulda', woulda' " model of nutrition. This model is utilized by the majority of dieticians out there, and essentially their slant on nutrition is that, "If you are GENERALLY healthy, and eat a pretty BALANCED diet, you probably don't need supplements".
Additionally, they don't consider the signs of malnutrition and de-generation as hints the body needs nutritional help nor do they recognize insulin resistance (obesity) as a real need by the body for extra nutritional support. Often, they say "Most people get what they need from food" and consider anyone who doesn't get their nutritional needs met to be outside the scope of their practice!
In other words, if it isn't working for you, it's your fault. I have heard many times people being told by their nutritionist that they probably don't know what they really eat...but that surely they get enough from the food they eat... Even though the patient in front of them is showing them they aren't!...because their school book says so. "You should get what you need from your food...If the world were perfect you coulda' gotten it from food...if you were the person in my book, you woulda' gotten what you needed from food".
More often than not, these practitioners don't recognize the signs of malnutrition nor take into account many things tax the nutritional needs of the body, (I know of 20 things that increase the nutritional need above govt standards [ask me for the list]), let alone consider intense athletics as a higher requirement!!! (If you don't fit what they were taught, you're outside of the scope of their training...but that's your fault because " book says you're getting enough nutrition...says it right here in my official textbook!"
I've personally never known anyone that eats perfectly all the time.
The THIRD type of nutrition training (which I do) is APPLIED nutrition and relies on whole food, functional-food drink mixes and supplemental BNBBs. Instead of chasing symptoms, we simply make sure the body gets a wide spectrum of the fundamental nutrition everyday... The body takes what it needs and the body begins re-building itself one cell at a time. People generally noticing feeling better within the first month.
Ultimately, with consistent application, people report seemingly remarkable results. I always suggest people get a blood chemistry test to begin with to compare cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, a1C (3 month blood sugar level), iron and others prior to beginning an applied nutrition program, and then work cooperatively with their doctors to let them know and repeat their blood chemistry test every three months.
The feedback I generally get is that the client's doctor says, "Whatever he is having you do, keep doing it".
Do it now, do it consistently!
To access a real, peer-reviewed article on the BNBBs, click the link below:
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