Monday, October 27, 2014

#61: Complainant, Visitor or Customer?

Reasons or
Fitness Nutrition Training

Sovereign Michael Valentine
SPN, CFT, Eft, Yft, Cft, SSc, GFI, CMCht, CERT, Reiki Master


Special Report #61

Part of the
“I see you to succeeding"

Complainant, Visitor or Customer?

Which one are you? 

Personal trainers are constantly being asked for help by a wide variety of individuals. It's important from the get-go for the trainer to realize what level of the decision making process the client is in, as well as the client to think about where they are. 

"Complainers' are people who aren't happy where they are but haven't decided nor committed to change their lifestyle to get the benefits of someone who is a customer for behavioral change.

Behavioral change is required to earn short term fat loss as well as sustainable, long term fat loss and health. In other words, if you don't change your attitudes, identity and lifestyle you're simply participating in yet another yo-yo process (lose some, gain it back and then some).

The change has to begin inside, as you work a program vs thinking and behaving like the program is supposed to change you from the outside in.

Complainers simply go from complaining about their health to complaining about how the exercise and nutrition is interfering and inconveniencing their fat lifestyle.

It's self sabotage right from the get-go and obvious in attitude. They simply aren't invested in personal change to earn the benefits of a fitness buff...also referred to as "perfecting the neurosis" (neurosis herein refers to a negative mental and /or emotional mindset that gets you the opposite of what you SAY you want).

Perfecting the neurosis is when the patient or client seeks out the best professional they can find, unconsciously intending the professional will show them how to -keep doing what they've been doing- but get different results... It never works out for them and they often "fire" the doctor or trainer and move to the next expert.

Routinely, you'll hear "I've tried everything... Nothing works for me..."

Complainers believe that the fundamental rules of nature don't apply to them. Complainers are often resentful and "don't like to be told what to do". I had one client who had been a nurse her whole career and would seek me out from the other trainers yet repeatedly say how she doesn't want a man telling her what to do? 😎 Complainers tend to insist they want to be told what to do, then complain about how the instructions will not be doable...they behave as if the basic fundamentals of fitness are jibberish they have never heard of and are unreasonable. 

Deeper down, they're going through a fad of trying to hurt the world by behaving as if the world is wrong. In other words, the complainer simply isn't ready to gift themselves with a fitness lifestyle. Kinda' like a tantrum. 

"Visitors" on the other hand have an "I should" attitude. Sometimes their doctor or peer told them they have to get help, so they show up with a "Do I have to?" attitude. Visitors go so far as to show up for appointments, but then seem to disappear! Months later they may make another appointment and say, among other things, " didn't work".

In other words, visitors don't want to change, they simply want to avoid the peer pressure / nagging of those who want more from them. Visitors tend to "forget" what their instructions were... yes, we're talking about adults here. But, you have to want it for yourself. 

"Customer" is a general term for folks who want to do what it takes to change as a person to earn implied results. "Customers" seem to show up out of nowhere as they are ready to behave differently, interrupt their unhealthy lifestyle and "turn over a new leaf".

Customers often don't even tell their peers they began since they inherently know that change comes from within and they are looking down the road at the things they haven't achieved, YET.  

Customers seem to show up out of nowhere since they aren't responding to marketing or advertising, the change congruently came from within. Customers tend to call up or text with something like this,"You won't believe what happened! I did what you said and lost 5% since last night", (each 1% is 2 pounds of fat). Or, "You won't believe it, I gained 5 pounds of muscle last night!" Customers simply take what is shown, do it and get amazing results.

Customers make the work of personal training fun.
These three categories apply to every industry...some do, some don't, and some wonder what happened?! Each category is easy to identify by the things they say from the first interaction.

Yes, you can tell from each person's speech pattern how likely they are to follow through.

Part of the trainer's skill is helping people transition from complainer to customer. But, ultimately the process of change comes from within.

Which category are you in?

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