Reasons or
Fitness Nutrition Training
Sovereign Michael Valentine
SPN, CFT, Eft, Yft, Cft, SSc, GFI, CMCht, CERT, Reiki Master
Special Report #93
Part of the
“I see you to succeeding"

In my experiences both practicing and providing clinical hypnosis, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.
Whether one is receiving hypnosis from a practitioner or doing self-hypnosis at home, the dynamic that makes the difference as far as how effective hypnosis is, is this: "Can you take a suggestion from yourself?"
I was personally raised in a Methodist environment where people believed all hypnosis is "...the work of the devil". Yes, I know, superstitious.
Throughout my life, a main theme that has seemed to emerge is that I tend to believe that anything can be used for good or evil...ring a bell among today's mainstream media? (I was raised to think things are either good or bad), BUT, I tend to think it's more about how something is used, personal responsibility and the intention to either help or hurt others. In 1996 I started out with a 225 hour certification course, but then continued on until I had accumulated more than 8,000 hours of formal and informal training.
This was after looking into vocational schools for close to a year. Initially, I wanted to incorporate hypnosis into my massage practice to help people who kept "accidentally" hurting themselves the same way over and over. I also wanted to improve myself.
Even when someone else is providing a hypnosis service, the most important factors to success (in my opinion) are how cooperative, reasonable and motivated you are to get what you say you want (remember the complainant, visitor, customer model from a previous blurb?).
I've never met anyone I didn't enjoy watching go into trance. We transition through varying levels of consciousness throughout the day anyway...hypnosis is simply utilizing the trance state to get a particular outcome.
At first, I used self-hypnosis to be comfortable and relaxed speaking in front of groups. In fact, I needed to use self-hypnosis in order to be able to do the class work to learn hypnosis!
Although I've never met anyone whom I didn't enjoy watching go into trance, I have met people with such intense control issues that they even though they went into a particularly profound trance, they denied it..yes, they would go into a deep, unconscious state and deny it ever happened.
For a seasoned professional, the signs of depth of trance are very clear, so it's up to the professional to know how to facilitate a deep enough trance that your suggestions to yourself "stick". Of course it works!
Generally, the more intelligent a person, the easier it is to experience hypnosis.
The higher the level of intelligence the easier it is to imagine things. The easier it is to imagine, the easier it is to get excellent results with self-hypnosis. In SOME cases, if someone isn't sure if they want A or B, some work on decision making and self efficacy should be considered preliminary steps.
If you can say, "I suggest to myself.....", you can do self-hypnosis.
The process of getting relaxed enough to take in your own suggestions is a very easy, simple process even the most illiterate person can accomplish.
Of course you aren't going to suggest things you don't want for yourself! Some of the most insidious uses of hypnosis I have ever heard of have been when abusive family members use it to control other family members. Sick!
Just like any consumer product or service, you have be discerning and trust your gut when choosing someone to help you or train you to hypnotize yourself. There are people everywhere who want to either [help and empower], others or [control and take advantage], of others...
Not too long ago I coincidentally ran into a gentleman who came to me for a very personal problem 10 years previous. Without me even bringing it up, he said his problem went away and never came back. When I hear people say they don't believe they can be "hypnotized" or they got hypnosis and "it didn't work", to me, it simply means they didn't have adequate training...I've never met anyone I didn't enjoy watching go into trance.
Self-hypnosis is easy to learn and people love it. If someone has been taken advantage of in the past, they may need to spend extra time finding someone they can trust, or feel at ease enough with to at least learn the fundamentals of self-hypnosis, so they can take that home and use it on their own. I'm a certified master clinical hypnotherapist (CMCht) and licensed as a hypnotherapist.
I have a self-hypnosis training video that is free online which I filmed here in Maui in September 2014. The online class is password protected so you'll have to request that from me, but there's no charge. The subjects I cover in the self-hypnosis class are weight loss, self confidence and public speaking. Then you can watch and learn from your computer on your own schedule.
Do it now, do it consistently!
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