Reasons or
Fitness Nutrition Training
Sovereign Michael Valentine
SPN, CFT, Eft, Yft, Cft, SSc, GFI, CMCht, CERT, Reiki Master
Special Report #74
Part of the
“I see you to succeeding"
Its Not Your Year!
As a trainer and someone who has been working out for decades, I've learned how to tell, just in the initial conversations with prospective clients, family, friends and so on who is most likely to follow through with what they so insist is so important to them.
One of the critical skills any decent trainer has to have to help prospective clients is communication about motivation the client says they have. Its fairly easy to tell who will follow through just by the answers clients give to the basic answers to interview questions. Although clients rarely know that they are giving away hints as to the likelihood of following through or quitting before they even begin to get great results.
Most people think that the results they seek are in the "starting" of a program and that the change is going to come from the outside in...doing something to them. Compound that with the presumption that paying for a gym membership and paying for a trainer assures success and you have someone who doesn't get that what makes the program work is them working the program!
People, for the most don't really, really get that the factor is them doing the thing, not signing up or paying for the thing!
Along with this, in initial interviews is listening very carefully to each prospective clients' values and beliefs about life. More often than not, they don't even know what they value or believe....they think they do...they insist they do...but their behaviors are the true indicator of what they value...their outside world reflects what they truly value on the inside.
In other words, the client who values drinking all weekend will not make progress even though with their ego they insist they do.
The person who says they know they have to make all three workouts each week, but shows up for two believes they're doing enough and they'll still get the results they were promised in their initial interview with the them, "a lot" of effort should be enough, even though that is just their perceptions.
One of the tell take signs the new clients gives away is when they say something to the effect of , "This is my year". This attitude rarely pans out and it simply points to the unconscious belief that fitness is a one time event...something you do once and have it for the rest of your life....something you get like a certificate.
Part of the underlying dilemma is that the person is coming to terms with the fact that health and fitness is a thing you do to maintain your physical fitness hygiene. They don't want to realize that its like brushing your teeth, eating, breathing and so on...stop it or neglect it and there will be consequences.
How this matters to the novice is to listen to the things you say out loud (internal self talk is a different topic).
Listen carefully to the things you say out loud (telltale signs of where you'll either sabotage yourself or support yourself) [introspection / self awareness]. The body listens to the words you say as well. Through repetition, the mind accepts whatever you say about yourself whether positive or negative and turn it into behaviors which support the majority of your self talk. Without improving the self talk, no amount of change will stick since the self talk influences your self image.
Its not uncommon for people who aren't happy with themselves to criticize others, frequently insisting others are not up to snuff and disappointing them, but in reality this level of self talk is actually the reflection of their disapproval of their own lack of follow through.
A common factor with all people who have too much bodyfat is
lack of self awareness and its reflected in what they casually speak
about when they think no one is really listening or paying attention.
In essence, the things you say give a picture of whether you will follow through and reach your goals. Trainers are sensitive and aware of this level of communication because they have seen again and again the people who follow through (their speech patterns) and the people who quit before they reach their goals (their speech patterns).
The antidote to self doubt, self sabotage and negativity is willfully studying and changing the kinds of things you speak about as well as how your expectations (the actual work required by you) are revealed in what you say, both out loud and to yourself.
If you have a learning mindset you're on your way, but if you have the classic "do me" attitude (assuming the changes will come from the outside in), you've failed before you even began.
Take the mindset that you'll learn something new about exercise, fitness and nutrition each workout and you can't fail. Simply show up and do the workout...of course if you want spectacular results, do the nutrition parts too.
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