Sunday, March 1, 2015

#1 SSR: Post Workout Recovery

                                                                          Reasons or
Fitness Nutrition Training
Sovereign Michael Valentine
SPN, CFT, Eft, Yft, Cft, SSc, GFI, CMCht, CERT, Reiki Master

Special Report #1

Part of the
“I see you to succeeding"

Post workout recovery drink? ...what thaaaa....?

What do I eat after my workout?  After my training?  After competition?

The quickie answer:                     Your post-workout recovery drink.

The complete answer:                 Drink it within one hour of your training…two hours later again if you are really serious about getting the results you want,  take the larger portion serving suggestions on the label if you are a competitive athlete, recovering from illness or injury or doing athletic events of any kind, as part of your daily caloric requirements.

As you know from my training and nutrition packets that you receive after each training session, following safety, recovery is the single greatest factor as far as you getting the results you want from your training and being able to maintain the results you get. There has to be a reserve of energy and nutrition within the cells of the body and the post-workout recovery drink is the critical part of that reserve you are creating.

Whether it be fat loss, gains in lean mass or athletic performance and functionality, all advancements in body performance and its ability to maintain the gains are 80% dependent on the nutritional status of your body during every 24 hour period...they are cumulative.

In other words your nutrition habits have to be consistent, not hit-and-miss or you will be disappointed about the results you don’t get.

When I refer to nutrition, I’m talking about three things:
1) Whole foods,

2) Functional-foods and

3) Concentrated food supplements (B.N.B.B.s / concentrated foods).

All three of which are essential and each have their own time and place. Of course we need whole food as a foundation of good health. Unfortunately, food simply does not provide the same level of consistent nutrition the body needs while training for specific goals nor what functional-foods and B.N.B.B.s provide for physically active people. 

Decades of consistent experimentation with nutrition and training have shown those of us professional in the fitness and athletic industry that the [timing] of nutrition and its [quality] make the difference between attaining exceptional or mediocre results. I am assuming you want exceptional results…that you recognize and value your time, energy and money and you don’t want to waste either of them.

Your post-workout recovery drink is an example of a functional-food…the food designed to replenish the protein and carbohydrates used up during your exercise and training and competition, faster and more efficiently than whole food is capable of…(the definition of recovery).

Your post-workout recovery drink is important because after physical activity [like resistance-training and cardiovascular training], the body, especially the muscle cells require replenishment of the protein and carbohydrates in the proper ratio. There is a one hour window-of-opportunity which scientists have found by testing the blood before, during and after exercise, during which time the muscle cells are waiting for the protein and carbohydrates to be delivered…in other words the muscles are open-for-business…so they can get their shelves re-stocked of the nutrients that make it possible to do the work that will make it possible to reach your goals.

BUT, if the protein and carbohydrates do not get delivered fast enough (one hour window of opportunity), the muscles essentially get put-to-bed-hungry and do not get to take in the level of nutrition they should have had deliberately delivered immediately following training…and here’s a catch: remember the number one priority following safety first?...recovery…if the muscles don’t recover fully before your next workout / training session, you won’t benefit from the next workout…the body doesn’t have a chance to get caught up before being worked again...making the resting metabolic rate slow down…thereby creating a catabolic effect wherein muscle tissue gets used for energy and body fat increases…even though you are training consistently…the cumulative effects from workout to workout, week to week and month to month will be increased body fat and decreased lean mass…even if your workouts are consistent!

Here’s another catch: The functional-food, post-workout recovery drink is absorbed into the body upon ingesting…food has to be chewed, digested and assimilated before it can get to the muscles…which takes too long to fully benefit (from the one hour window of opportunity) to the level that the recovery drink does. [timing]. This process is proven.

How much difference is there really between eating whole food or functional-food drink mixes following training? Does it really make that much of a difference? Many people don’t believe there is a difference until they apply what I’m teaching you about here…who would until they apply it?. They will hire me to train, pay me the big bucks to get them going and tell them what to do to get the results they want and at the same time tell themselves there really can’t be enough difference to make a difference…until we check their body composition…you know that body fat test thing we do every thirty days…uh, yeh

When you drink your recovery drink, at least once following your training, assuming you are training correctly and not over training, your lean mass will increase, your strength will increase and your body fat will decrease faster and more consistently. If you get your recovery drink within you right after your workout, you’ll get the results that make people ask you how they can do it too, while if you don’t, at the very least it will take three or four times as many workouts to get your results and if you do begin to get on track it is unlikely it will be sustainable, because the muscles need that certainty in nutrition described here.

Yes you can go through the motions of exercising and training, without proper nutrition, but you won’t get the benefits beyond four to six weeks until you get your nutrition behaviors aligned with you written goals. People who do not heed this information will find that, one month their body fat will decrease along with your lean mass and the next month your body fat will increase and you lean mass will be even lower. If you’re lucky, there will be no change at all. While applying the nutrition tactics described above, you can gain two pounds of muscle a week and burn two to three pounds of fat per week.

The post-recovery workout drink is to fitness, exercise, fat loss and athletic performance what the steering wheel is to driving an automobile.                                                                                                   

What do I personally use and recommend?
Personally, I use Shaklee’s Physique: Post workout recovery drink...for many reasons.

Available at:

If you'd like to know how and why I choose the supplements I do, ask for the Sov's Special Report about choosing healthy supplements.

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